In our daily lives, we often find ourselves caught between the highs of sweet dreams and the lows of nightmares. Imagine the sweet dream of thinking, "I am enough," and the nightmare of believing, "I am not enough." we are chasing sweet dreams and disliking the nightmares. At the same time, we usually forget that both are just dreams. Through SONOMAMA practice, we can clarify this truth.
This concept aligns with the idea of three selves:
1. The main character of the movie (you).
2. The audience watching the film (also you).
3. The screen on which the movie plays (your true self).
When you realize that you are the screen, you understand that any movie can be projected onto it. Whether it is a sweet dream or a nightmare, it does not disturb you because you recognize them as mere projections.
By practicing SONOMAMA meditation, we develop our inner sanctuary where we can simply be ourselves. In this safe space, even when thoughts like "I hate myself" arise, you recognize them as dreams and do not have to believe in them. So, you can leave them as they are.
In the middle of a nightmare, our instinct is to run away because we don’t realize it is just a dream. This leads us to chase after sweet dreams. This cycle of fleeing nightmares and chasing sweet dreams is what we typically do. To break free from this cycle, we need to understand the underlying mechanism.
Let’s practice together to uncover this mechanism. If you have the courage, try not to chase your sweet dreams. By chasing sweet dreams, you are inherently judging; where there is judgment, nightmares are inevitable.
If you continue this meditation practice with courage, you will soon discover that you are already perfect just as you are. You will realize your inherent completeness.
Stay with us on this journey. SONOMAMA practice is like hiking. Let’s continue hiking together. The scenery changes, and with each step, you come closer to true self-realization, to seeing through who you truly are.
Writing and Photography by K E I K O