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Writer's pictureKeiko Ozeki

The Source of Our Problems is Ourselves

The essence of human suffering lies in perceiving problems as something external to ourselves. We often see issues in our relationships with partners, friends, and children, in our workplaces or schools, or in the state of society. But in reality, these issues only appear as "problems" within us. In other words, it is the "self" that creates and defines these problems.

Traditional methods of problem-solving, like counseling, focus on processing thoughts and emotions, which may provide temporary relief. However, these methods often do not address the root cause, and similar issues arise again. To fundamentally resolve our suffering, it is essential to see things as they are—the "bare facts."

I recommend the practice of sonomama (as-it-is-ness, or living “as it is”)—a way of living rooted in "bare reality" and "direct experience." This approach involves separating oneself from thoughts and ultimately freeing oneself from suffering. In the state of bare reality, there is neither "self" nor "time," only the pure presence of what is in front of us. In this moment, thought has no hold; thus, there is nothing to fuel suffering. Recognizing this essence of self brings peace to the heart and leads to genuine contentment.

Understanding the Power of Sonomama

Many people hear about “being in the now and here” and think they understand it intellectually. But without actually experiencing the bare facts, they miss the core. Practice means looking at bare reality and pure experience from morning to night. For those who find this “difficult” or “strenuous,” it is often due to overthinking, which prevents true practice. At such times, the presence of a Sangha (a community of support) can be invaluable.

We tend to fixate on situations with our thoughts, adding complexity to issues. Without realizing it, we get deceived by thoughts that have no real substance, leading us into illusions. We try to solve problems through thoughts, but in truth, we’re just manipulating them without addressing the core. This often only deepens our troubles. True resolution comes from living in the pure, unadulterated presence of reality.

A Moment of Pure Presence

When this practice deepens, we reach moments where only the current state exists, and nothing more is needed. Try experiencing this directly rather than understanding it intellectually. In this pure presence, even the idea of “self” is absent, and only what is directly in front of us remains. The concept of “self” is nothing more than an idea, and once this concept is removed, we can connect with “bare reality” as it is.

Transform Problems into Opportunities

This practice of sonomama, or living “as it is,” unveils the truth and brings peace to the heart. Problems become opportunities. When a problem arises, ask yourself: who is labeling this a “problem”? Look closely, and you will find it is none other than yourself. Allow the thought of a “problem” to simply remain. Observe what happens without interference.

Whatever thoughts or feelings arise, try staying with that pure state. By not getting carried away by thoughts and remaining with the reality at hand, you will naturally find relief from suffering. Cultivating this “strength to stay with reality” is essential. 

Key Takeaways

- Problems often arise from within, created by our own perceptions and thoughts.

- Practicing sonomama helps us see reality “as it is” without the interference of self-created labels.

-When a problem arises, ask yourself: who is labeling this a “problem”?

- Observing without judgment can gradually lead to peace and satisfaction within.

- Let’s start this journey together. 

Words and Photography by K E I K O

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